
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Easy Chicken and Soy Chorizo Chili

The other day, two of my dear "co-workers" and I were talking, in a round about way, about our jobs as "stay-at-home moms". My girlfriend, Gina mentioned that someone once said to her, something to the effect of, "I could never be a stay-at-home mom, I would be so bored." We all snorted with laughter. We laughed even harder when my girlfriend, Neidin pointed out the irony, because we were all sitting on the patio watching our kids play together in the backyard as we sipped wine, shared stories, and laughed....Yeah, boredom at its best. But anyway, we contemplated that statement a bit and added our own thoughts and I couldn't help but feel that "boredom" was a luxury.
The introvert in me, which craves alone time, thought that boredom sounded like a far away vacation destination. The vacation you save for and plan to one day visit. Stay a week or maybe two. Boredom means that you have nothing to fill your minutes, no distractions to the monotony of time ticking by. I would love to take a long vacation to Boredom, if only for the alone time to recharge my weary introverted self. However, if I were to take a vacation to that fictional place, I don't think I could get bored even if I tried...unless you force me to watch TV all day, every day for a week, then I might have to kill myself out of boredom. But I wouldn't mind the luxury of a small vacation to see if I could get bored.
Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the other implications of the boredom comment. I admit, I once held a similar feeling about stay-at-home moms, but that was before I became one. Being bored? Never. You never rest, either. Well, unless you're sipping wine at your girlfriends house during play dates... Those moments aside, it's the most challenging job I've held and the most important. To be responsible for ensuring that my kids know they are loved and grow up to be happy, educated and capable adults, that's a pretty important job. 
The other components that makes this job so great and decidedly, not boring, are my co-workers; my fellow warriors of motherhood in the realm of "you never get off work" land. Without your funny personalities, keen insights on all things children, husbands, and life, did I mention your funny senses of humor, and your friendships, this job would probably suck. Doing this alone would really be hard and dare I say, boring? Childhood and motherhood are social experiences and by nature I believe can't be done successfully all alone. 
I love you girls and you all know who you are. The ones I see everyday, the ones I see once a week or the ones I see once in a long while--why has it been so long girlfriends, the new ones and the long time friends, you are all important to me and I'm grateful to all you wonderful ladies. You make life, not boring!

Now, on to some Easy Superbowl Chicken and Soy Chorizo Chili...

Easy Chicken and Soy Chorizo Chili 
Serves 8-10

1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 T olive oil
1 small red bell pepper, chopped
2 cans of Kirkland Chicken Breasts, drained (yes, I know you are cringing over canned chicken but it really makes a great chili, if you're frightened, use boiled or leftover chicken breasts, chopped)
2 cans S&W chili beans in sauce
1 can S&W white beans, drained and rinsed
1 large can Rotel tomatoes with green chilies
1 small can of diced green chilies
1 small can of V-8 Spicy Hot Juice
1 tube of soy chorizo
1T chili powder
1 t cumin
salt and pepper (to taste)

In a large dutch oven, saute onions, red peppers and garlic until translucent about 10 minutes. Add drained chicken and shred with forks. Add all remaining ingredients, cover and simmer for a minimum of 45 minutes.  Serve with sour cream, cheese and green onions. Enjoy!

Other Soup recipes to try:
Pork Verde and Hominy Stew
Spicy Asian Meatball Soup
Spicy Pork, Red Pepper and Lentil Soup
Winter Mexican Corn Soup
Tomato Garlic Soup with Cheese Tortellini


  1. I loved this post. More than I can say. When people ask what I "do", I find myself often explaining what I used to do, which was freelance makeup and running beauty departments for Walgreens. Because when I find myself telling people im a stay at home mom on disability, people often get a judgemental look on thier face, as they think staying at home means lounging by the pool all day eating chocolate. Its a full time job. And I absolutely LOVE that ive made friends with other moms in the same position. We are shaping the world for our children and how they navigate through it. Its quite a lot of pressure if you ask me. It takes a strong woman to be able to handle that pressure, while keeping a household, handleing relationships and friendships, and just living life in general. I too am introverted and love alone time, (it really is something to be cherished when youre a parent, isnt it? Lol), but im glad to have made friends like you, that get it. Now, im trying that chili! And ill let you know how it goes! I still have to make that korean beef too! Xo

    1. Well said Anjie. I'm lucky to have met you as well and that we've become friends and fellow warriors in motherhood. And you are right about having to stumble past the notion that being at home is somehow not as worthy as working at a paying job with vacation and sick days. As women, it is hard to be everything all at once. Society almost demands that we have to be everything, or maybe it's just women in general who put this unrealistic pressure on ourselves. So for me, I just want to do one thing at a time. I worked all my life before children and got paid well to do my job. Now, I don't get paid in money to be home with my kids but I get paid in knowing these boys will have great memories of their "mama" being around and being involved in their lives. And selfishly, I get the most out of it because I get to live vicariously through them, reliving a childhood full of fun and excitement of watching them grow and experience new milestones. In a few years, or maybe sooner depending on finances, I will re-enter the working world and will work my life away towards retirement. But until then, I take this 'mother' job seriously and I love it! Thanks for your awesome post! xo
